We have launched the Promotion until January 31, 2024!
Buyback guaranteed if the partner does not break even within 24 months
About the brand «Car nanny»

In 2014 Helena K. was a young mother with two girls. Before maternity leave she had some management and business experience, but she always wanted more. The children had grown up a bit and had to start kindergarten, and Helena really wanted her own business, although she did not yet know what it was. So, life has made its own adjustments.
The problem appeared. Her husband often went on business trips, and the children needed to be brought to 8.30, and picked up at 17. The teachers in kindergarten were very strict about being late. And, there was no place for an employee who came to work at 9 am, and then left at 4 pm. Before Covid, remote work was not so popular. Everyone was at the office from 9 am to 6 pm, and no favors were given to young moms, especially if you apply for a managerial position. It was more convenient for employers to hire a man and not a young mother. It seemed like a dead end.
After thinking about it, Helena turned to an online mom forum to find out how other moms solve this issue. It turned out that there were no solutions. More than 1000 messages in a couple of days came out in one forum topic. Some moms don't work because they have to drive two and more kids to kindergarten and schools, some ask friends for a ride or hire a nanny and pay for a taxi, working moms are driving kids themselves and not getting promoted or growing in business.

Realizing that this was a big problem for all parents, Helena herself got behind the wheel and offered to drive the children. After two weeks there were so many orders that Helena could not cope. The orders came in from 7:00 to 11:00 p.m. The moms whose children Helena drove for the day gladly told other moms and they wanted the same service. The conclusion was clear. She decided to open a company and hire staff.
Such a phenomenon as Car Nanny before Helena did not exist, she was the first Car nanny in her region, and also came up with a whole business niche: accompanying children in kindergarten, school clubs, and door to door nanny by car.
Business grew rapidly, social networks and word-of-mouth radio worked perfectly. Then the investment in the business was minimal. She had her own good German car with car seats, self-made logo and online pages in social networks.
In 2019, the creation of the aggregator began. During 2020-2022 this business model showed fascinating results. So, the creation of the franchise model was in order. The brand’s mission is to make accessible trips with children all around the world.
We guarantee our customers, we make an advertising entrance to the territory. We have publications available on social media and all media outlets. The base is constantly replenished.

The Car nanny franchise is a very convenient service for franchisees with an administrative panel.
This is a cloud service with a personal account, allocated territory, and connected payment systems. The management team today consists of 6 people. The franchisee gets a turn-key launch: the application to the region, all materials, advertising, hiring staff and customers under the contract. Bear in mind that not many franchises can guarantee the number of customers. We believe that if there are customers and there are staff, the business will definitely happen, as confirmed by our partners.
During the year, 30+ cities were opened under the Car nanny franchise and the Car nanny franchise entered the international market. The partner from Belarus bought the Master franchise for the whole country. And the total investment in IT-product has reached 447 928$.
We are proud to be the starting point for so many entrepreneurs and have the ambition to open our service in all cities with 100,000+ people, because the financial model converges even in small cities. And this year there is a plan to enter 3 new countries.
How will you earn?
In our mobile application, to which we connect franchisees there are 2 models of monetization: through one-time trips and subscriptions.
One-time trips - this is a taxi ride, for example, Yandex, the difference is that you are accompanied by a Car nanny, it is a nanny-driver, and only children are transported.
Subscription are a complete accompaniment, with the Car nanny attached to the child, then the parents do not need to accompany the child, in the application you can always see where the child is traveling, and also contact the Car nanny, if for example, the child forgot clothes in the car or school.

Franchise package
Start up of the «turn-key» business with software:
- Design of social networks: Instagram
- Social Networking 2 months.
- Creation of a company website
- Brand Beech
- Media plan
- Learning to do business according to our model
- Testing more than 12 traffic channels
- Funnel of employee recruitment
- Instructions for attracting customers
- Maintenance 2 months, after the launch
- Business Project Manager 12 Meetings
- Hiring drivers
- Attracting the first 100-500 customers with a contract guarantee
- Transfer marketing tools
- Technical support for 3 years (for the entire duration of the contract)
- dministrative panel for remote business management
- Contract for drivers and customers
- Internet acquiring connection
- Travel insurance for 12 months.

How much does the Car nanny franchise cost?
Car nanny has a total initial investment from $150,000.
Initial Investment: from $150,000 per city / from $300,000 for Master franchise per country
Payback period: 6-9 months
Average turnover per month: $39,195
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Profit calculation
We guarantee a franchisee with a mobile app from a minimum of 100, on average 200 first customers, take them for calculation. Average check for monthly support 150$, correspondingly the first 200 customers - is 29 115$ turnover per month.
Leave a request and we will make the calculation taking into account all peculiarities of your city (average wage, purchasing activity and capacity of the market). Also automated client connectivity and easy scaling. You are not limited to the size of your business, district or transportation availability. Business margins are high - 35%. Of the huge benefits - no large monthly fixed costs. All the primary costs for the launch of the Management Company takes care of. Then you already from the operating profit allocate a budget for promotion (from 1 680$ to 5 600$ depends on the city). Since it is an IT product, it is also a quick start. Perfected system allows you to beginin 10 days.
It is desirable to have experience in business or management experience, office on request, can work remotely.

Franchise advantages
We are leaders of the child support market. We have packed all our 8 years of experience, gathering all successful moments and surviving all crises, testing all models of promotion (which were not always successful). So not only do we help people earn money, we save time and money on hypothesis tests.
Franchisee Car nanny gets all our experience + working monetization + team support.