DUNNO Franchise Opportunities
You can manage a business from another country!
DUNNO is an online educational platform that gives you the opportunity to be both a student and a teacher - there are no restrictions.
How will you earn money?
The more users are trained on the platform, the higher the revenue and profit from the commission. The first year is an active investment in the audience set of the platform. Development of the line of courses. From the second year, the cost of attracting a user is reduced by 3-6 times. The focus shifts to working with the current customer base.

We transfer the rights to develop the educational platform to one partner in the contour of the country. This gives you the maximum audience coverage of teachers and users of the platform:
- School-age students
- Students
- People of all ages who want to master the skill "for the soul" or professional growth.
DUNNO is an educational marketplace where you can develop any knowledge, from subjects from the school curriculum to narrow skills in playing guitar, cooking Japanese cuisine and much more. Our platform has no framework and is constantly updated with up-to-date courses.

Franchise Package
The cost of the franchise depends on the population of the country. Leave a request and get a detailed table on the license fee for your country.
The franchise includes materials and services:
- Technological know-how in the field of online education.
- The exclusive right to conduct business in your country.
- Step-by-step instructions on how to maintain and develop the platform.
- Turnkey promotion services.
- Remote control and statistics system.
- Manuals, scripts for communicating with teachers.
- Knowledge base. Access to all marketing materials of the company.
- Curator for solving operational issues.
- Sales and Customer retention technology.
- Work rules for your employees and the company.
- Video and text instructions for teachers on how to work on the platform.
- Regular technical support of the platform.
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Training and support:
- We undertake the development of the service in the country. We offer a turnkey marketing service.
- We undertake all the tasks of recruiting the platform's user base in your country.
- Original advertising strategies and detailed analytics of the work.
- You get a ready-made IT solution DUNNO
Educational IT platform:
- Individual educational trajectories
- Creating new course sections and sections
- Personal account of the teacher and student
- Statistics on the number of classes and payment to the teacher

CRM (Customer Relationship Management):
- Customized funnels and stages
- Ready-made scripts for communication with teachers
- Automated commission accrual and payment control
- Visual order analytics
LMS (learning management system):
- Managing the class schedule
- Monitoring the workload of each teacher and student activity
- Quality control of teaching
- Analytics tools that allow you to work with the outflow of students
- Push notification system for returning users to the platform

Franchise offer
DUNNO is an organically developing ecosystem. Teachers - carriers of various knowledge come to the platform and create an announcement about their services. Users who want to master new knowledge, search for information on the Internet, get on the platform and sign up for classes. Thus, the platform offers what is really in demand here and now. It is a place of transformation of knowledge and personal growth of students of all ages.
Launch stages
- Selection of premises 1 month
- Repair - 1 month
- Hiring staff (during repairs)
- Training (during repairs), etc.
How much does the DUNNO franchise cost?
Initial investments: from €20,000
Payback period: 12 months
Royalties: 1% of the commission amount
Other current payments: from 900 EURO per month depending on the size of the audience
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DUNNO Franchise Business Model
Obligations of the parties
What the franchisee should do after signing the contract, before launching the franchise and during work. What part of the work does the franchise undertake? Guarantees/privileges that you give to franchisees
Investment section: initial investments
The cost structure for the development of the platform. The size of the marketing budget and tax regime depends on the country. The license fee is calculated separately for each country.
- Profit calculation. We predict the smooth development of the service in the country and provide revenue figures with coverage of 1% of the potential audience in the 1st year of operation in the country.
- The cost of one lesson is 15 € or the total number of schoolchildren and students is 1.4 million people 30% are ready to study with a teacher online.
- Potential users of the service – 0.4 million people
- A student studies at least 2 subjects 2 times a week.
- The student studies 1 subject 2 times a week.
- The maximum amount of classes per week is 1.56 million classes.
- The maximum amount of classes per month is 6.3 million classes.
- The maximum revenue of the service for the month is 94 million euros or 12.5
- The earnings of the service is a commission of 21%
- The maximum gross profit of the franchisee (with a commission of 20%) is 18.8 million euros With an audience coverage of 1%, the service's profit for the month will be 187,920 €
- The service's profit for the year is 1.8 million. €
- Operating expenses for the year - 0.54 million. €
- The franchisee's profit for the 1st year of operation of the service is 1.26 million. €
DUNNO franchise advantages
The DUNNO platform is a source of additional earnings, which is convenient to combine with the main place of work. Conducting classes in an online format has a lot of advantages:
- The teacher independently regulates his workload. Takes as many hours as he wants. No plans and no pressure from the platform.
- It goes on the air from where it is convenient.
- Adjusts tutoring to his schedule, flexibly adjusts the time and day of the lesson.
- Receives money every week.

DUNNO is an inspirer and motivator in one person. We are not only talking about mathematics, languages and school exams, we are talking about dreams that were once put on a distant shelf. Millennials, as the main audience of online platforms, request “quick” knowledge in the form in which they are used to receiving information.

- Quick access IN A FEW CLICKS. Millennials want and get knowledge HERE, NOW AND PROFITABLY.
- They are engaged when they want to.
- Use the device that is at hand (laptop, phone, tablet).
Franchisee success stories
- Opened. invested. Paid off. Opened 3 more locations!
- Leave a request and we will give you his contacts.
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