Description of the franchise Bye Bye Nitz Lice Treatment Center
Lice treatment uses a revolutionary system of dehydration combined with an aspiration of lice and nits. Our promise: the total eradication of parasites on the heads of children and adults in just one session.
ByeByeNits is a company specializing in the treatment of lice and nits in France.
Our promise: the total eradication of parasites on the heads of your children and adults in only one session. Pediculosis is an infestation disease of the skin by head lice that can affect everyone. Most of the time, it is contagious and itchy. As is already the case in European countries and in the USA, anti-lice treatment centers will become essential everywhere. Gone are the endless trips to pharmacies and the high cost of treatment products. In ByeByeNits centers, it's done in 90 minutes.

100% natural
Our ByeByeNits treatment is designed to eliminate lice and nits without chemicals. Our machines to eliminate them are based on hot air at controlled flow and a technique of aspiration.
In 90 minutes
All our operators have received trainings from us to eliminate the presence of lice and nits in short amount of time. Our treatment is done in a single 90 minutes session.
7J Warranty
Bye Bye Nits is so confident in its process of eliminating lice and nits that we offer you a guarantee of 7 days by following our recommendations.

Franchise offer
In order to offer its clientele the best possible response to the lice and nits scourge, Bye Bye Nits has developed an unstoppable method to offer a 100% reliable solution.
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Franchise advantages
A unique offer:
Bye Bye Nits is now the only way to get rid of lice and nits in one 90-minute session.
Loyal customers:
ByeByeNits makes life easier for families by caring for an unrewarding and time-consuming task.
A turnkey premium offer:
ByeByeNits is based on the best techniques of care and additional products associated with effective marketing.
Effective communication:
A strong presence of Bye Bye Nits on social networks, in the print media and in television allow the owner of the franchise to quickly federate the public, and convert it into loyal customers.
Advanced technology:
The method used by Bye Bye Nits brings together the best techniques in the world. We undertake to remain on track of all developments in order to always offer the best to our partners and our customers.
Flexible logistics:
Bye Bye Nits is your only contact to provide all the elements essential to the functioning of your center.
Autonomous in a network of solidarity:
Being partner gives you sufficient entrepreneurial freedom to succeed and share your experiences with the network members.