Brand info
The company "MSK MOBIL" LLC presents the ID.WORLD franchise.
ID.WORLD is an international innovative IT company that develops and implements software solutions for remote conclusion of service contracts.
The franchise provides an online service that allows companies to attract new customers remotely from any part of the world.
The service is used in selling goods and services that require, among other things, identity verification - cellular subscribers, telemedicine, banking, travel/hospitality, fitness industry, age verification for goods sales, etc. For this purpose, a company needs to connect to a cloud platform (on a server), and its potential customers need to download the app.
Using own and partner's developments, it verifies the authenticity of documents, matches them with the identity of a client, excluding the use of fakes and other people's IDs.

ID.WORLD Franchise Opportunities
Access to ID.WORLD software products is provided in the client-server format. Corporate partners that franchisees connect to the platform can start using the product immediately, without wasting time installing software and with minimal time spent on staff training.
The components of the system: the server (franchisees' accounts, corporate partners' accounts) and the application for individual customers (downloadable via Google Play and App Store, and others). Accounts allow online monitoring of the number of transactions, their volume, and the distribution of incoming amounts.
The platform provides interaction with 4 apps:
- ID.LINK - for mobile operators supporting the eSIM technology. Allows users to connect their smartphones with eSIM remotely and verify identification documents if required. Individual clients get instant remote access to the services of operators of any country and get technical support.
- ID.ABONENT - for cellular operators. Allows remote connection (activation) of new SIM cards for smartphone users and, if necessary, verification of their documents.
- ID.CLIENT - for a wide range of companies that provide services remotely (financial organizations, medical organizations, online training, real estate rentals, bookmakers, financial organizations). Allows signing contracts with individual clients remotely.
- ID.GUEST - for companies that need the authorization of employees and identification of visitors (pass system at the entrance; access to equipment, certain services, or information).
Access rights to the platform are granted to end corporate partners on a free-of-charge basis; partners pay only for each newly connected individual client (for ID.LINK, ID.ABONENT, ID.CLIENT products). Individual clients download apps for free, go through the identification procedure (if needed), choose a service provider from the list, choose a tariff, sign the contract, and make the payment.
Corporate partners of ID.GUEST pay per device. The number of devices is determined based on the number of visitors.
Size of offices
In accordance with customer service standards and personal data protection requirements.

ID.WORLD Franchise Offer
The global economy is moving towards digitalization, and the extent to which digital technology is used in a company's business model is becoming a factor that determines its success.
Using the ID.WORLD platform, our corporate partners can expand their businesses and territories without the cost of new offices, additional staff, software purchase, and access to it.
This eliminates the possibility of errors in checking and filling out documents of individual clients since the process is fully automated. Service time per customer is also reduced - automated data processing takes less time than manual processing.
The apps are adapted to different usage scenarios and cover such industries as telecommunications, financial, travel, distance education, real estate and car rental services, age-restricted retail sales, and all businesses and organizations that require a pass-through system.
For this reason, the franchise will be in demand, while franchisee's expenditures will be recouped approximately after 3 years of use.
The recommended density of coverage - one master franchise per country.
How much does the ID.WORLD franchise cost?
ID.WORLD has of turnover, with a total initial investment from $116,380 to $523,710.
Initial investments:
Franchise purchase (lump sum) - from $116,380 to $523,710 (depending on the country's population).
- The franchise fee includes the use of the brand, business model, access to the platform.
- Server rent
- Office rent
- Insurance
Payback period: 3 years
Average month turnover: depends on the country, the population, and income level (depending on the region, up to $41,900 - for franchisees).
- ID.LINK - 20% of ½ ARPU (depends on the average cell phone bill in a country).
- ID.ABONENT - $1.5 per activation.
- ID.CLIENT - $1 per registration.
- ID.GUEST - $250 per mobile device.
Franchise fees:
- Marketing fund (to promote the brand and attract customers, including on the territory of the franchisee) contributions of 15% of turnover, of which 5% goes to the franchisee.
Other current payments: none
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Success story
During the first year of using the developments incorporated in the franchise, ID.WORLD managed to triple the revenue. The number of new operators connected to the platform during this period reached several dozen and continues to increase.
- The experience of stakeholders in the telecommunications business and the IT sector is welcome.
- Franchisee should should be ready to meet the requirements of the of the GDPR.