About brand MORE KRABA
Open your seafood store in your city. You will be able to make a profit, even if you have no experience in this business, thanks to our support. Grab the crab and join us.

Based on our long and successful experience in the field of trade, we have created a formula for a successful store. Easy start, corporate identity, well-thought opening model, Individuality, high profit – all this is our franchise.
Accompanied by a manager throughout the journey. Training.
30 square meters.

How much does MORE KRABA franchise cost?
MORE KRABA has a franchise fee of $5,800 and a total initial investment of $25,000.
Initial Investment: $25,000
Payback period: 6 months
Average turnover per month: $13,000
Royalties: 4%
Franchise fees: $5,800
Franchise fee includes:
- Practical management experience
- Suppliers and manufacturers
- Up-to-date assortment for each month
- Connection to the CRM system
- Posting information about your store on the website
- Creation accounts for social media
- Training the owner and employees
- Personal manager
- Accounting and legal support
- Brand development
- Service standards
- Consultations for the retail area search
- Design project
- Logistics system
Other current payments: none
Request Free Info

- Interview
- Payment of a franchise fee
The uniqueness of the product. Own production of author's delicacies.