Perspective 24 Franchise Opportunities
LLC MFOUK "Perspective 24 "presents the "Perspective 24" franchise.
Perspective 24 was founded in 2013. The founder of the company: Rim Khasanov and Alsu Gallyamova. Untill 2017 the company was developing as regional real estate agency with only one office and got to the number of 350 agents. In march 2017 the decision has been taken to launch franchise sales. For the last 2 years more than 50 cities join the franchise and by April 2019 Perspective24 takes 2nd place within number of deals, based version of “Click House”
Nowadays real estate operator “Perspective24” has partners in 113 cities and 4 countries: Belarus, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine.

95% - retention of partners
During 4 years of franchise program, we lost only 5 offices. This index significantly exceeds the performance of competing networks. Our franchisees are really satisfied with the level of support and literally "hold on" to the franchise.
Best management company of 2021
According to the results of the national competition in the field of real estate CREDO 2020, our management company was recognized as the best among all the chains on the market.
Licensed training center
We have the license for training for realtors training and issuance of state diplomas. We have trained 2,380 realtors, and the training center was recognized as the best in the real estate market.
2-nd place by the number of offices
Nowadays 113 offices are included into the chain of “Perspective24”. This is the second highest coverage result among all chains.
Best franchise in real estate
According to the results of the national competition CREDO 2018, we were recognized as the best franchise in the real estate industry.
Maximum discounts on 14 banks
“Perspective24” reached the maximum preferences in 14 banks. This means that by applying for a mortgage through the offices of our partners, the client will get best conditions, than directly at the bank's office.
HR brand prize according to the version of super job
In 2020 we got the prize “Attractive employer” according to the version of one of the biggest website for searching a job - SuperJob.
What is included into franchise fee
Launching Director.
Configures all business processes within 3 months and launches the opening of a Regional Representative:
- approval of office space;
- approval of candidates for managerial positions;
- opening access to the program and databases of information resources;
- direction of the work of the Owners and Directors of Regional Representative Offices in terms of opening an office and setting up the "launch" mechanism.
Launch Chatbot.
Streaming Training of Interns from the Management Company.
Sales management.
Regional curator - carries out regular management in relation to the managers of the Franchise-Partner, responsible for on-site sales (Owner, Director, Head of Department):
- sets tasks;
- analyzes metrics and reports;
- gives the exact decisions that need to be made by Local Sales Managers (Owner, Director, Head of Department). The frequency of touches is from 1 to 5 per week.
Chatbot of the Director of the Office.
Chatbot of the Group Leader (Head of the Sales Department).
Chatbot Agent.
HR processes.
HR curator approves a candidate for the position of HR Regional Representative
HR curator - cyclical interaction with the Franchising Partner:
with the Regional Director - once a week
HR regional - once every 2 weeks a personal meeting and regular general meetings of the HR network (analysis of metrics and reports on the recruiting processes of regional HR, monitoring the adaptation process of interns, setting tasks and recommendations for improving efficiency).
HR Chatbot
Legal service
The lawyer of the management company approves the candidates for the position of the Lawyer for the Franchising Partner.
The Lawyer of the Management Company conducts initial training for the Lawyer of the Regional Representative, including training within the Legal Program.
Cyclically, once every 2 weeks, the Lawyer of the Management Company conducts training for the Network Lawyers. During this meeting, the Regional Office Lawyer may address questions to the Management Company Legal Department.
Constant online support.
Lawyer chatbot
CRM Big steg of languages (java, bhitos and others)
- Agent module
- Legal module
- Contact center
Profit calculation
20% from turnover (60% goes for sales department, 20% goes for the maintenance of the office and administrative staff).
How much does the Perspective 24 franchise cost?
Perspective 24 has a franchise fee ranges from $4,675 to $25,365
Average turnover per month: $50,730
Royalties: $34/agent
Franchise fees: $4,675 - $25,365
Other current payments: none
Request Free Info
- Interview with the top management of the company
- Availability of the necessary finances for the launch, according to the individual financial plan, which is drawn up by the development manager during consultation
- From 100 sq.m. separate entrance lobby