EPL Yakutian Diamonds Franchise Opportunities
The history of the EPL Diamond masterpieces began in 1994. EPL Diamond is a group of companies that unites its own cutting industry, fine jewelry production and retail network of fine jewelry stores. The company carries out a full production cycle: from cutting diamonds of any complexity supplied from deposits of Yakutia to the production, wholesale and retail sale of fine jewelry in Russia and beyond its borders. Production control is carried out at the highest level at all stages of production, which allows us to provide a guarantee of quality and 100% confidence in the products, both for the end users and our partners.

Own lapidary work
The lapidary plant of our company is located in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and is the largest producer of diamonds in the Russian Federation. The company's extensive experience and high standard of lapidary production ensure the world-class quality of the produced diamonds. EPL Diamond has started the production of Hearts and Arrows standard diamonds in 2008 under the trademark 'Firing Ice'. Today, the ideal Firing Ice diamonds are a special pride and a hallmark of the company.

Own fine jewelry production
From the results of recent years, the fine jewelry production of EPL Diamond has made over a half of the total fine jewelry production of Sakha Republic (Yakutia), which once again has confirmed the leading position of the company among all companies of this segment in Yakutia. On the basis of the most modern technologies: the prototyping system Solidscape, 3D-modeling foundry installation Jewelcad, etc., the company offers its customers the widest fine jewelry range of various designs and styles. Each product is a story, a special mood and an original look.

Retail network
Along its 25 years of successful work, EPL Yakutian Diamonds has established itself as the leader in Russian fine jewelry market. The first store opened in Yakutsk in 2006. Today, the company has about 140 stores located in Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Cyprus, Croatia and the United States.
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Attractive brand design
Jewelers, artists of the world brand EPL Yakutian diamonds, create samples of the highest fine jewelry art, instantly becoming modern classics. Each product is a story, a special mood and an original look.
One of the main assets of the fine jewelry house EPL Diamond is a patented unique method of cutting «FIRING IСЕ». Firing Ice is the perfect diamond according to the world’s standard Hearts and Arrows.

Brand recognition
- Successful business with a 25-years history
- Wide international network
- Brand recognition
- Patented corporate identity
- Top quality and product design
All these cause confidence and love of our buyers

How much does the EPL Yakutian Diamonds fine jewellery franchise cost?
EPL Yakutian Diamonds has no franchise fee with a total initial investment from $100,000.
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The benefits of EPL Yakutian Diamonds fine jewelry franchise
Our group of companies combines its own cutting fine jewelry production and retail network of fine jewelry stores.
This gives us the right to offer our customers three unique guarantees:
- Guarantee of diamonds authenticity
- Quality guarantee
- Price guarantee without intermediaries
Vertically-integrated system allows us to offer our customers the widest selection of fine jewelry in an affordable segment, exclusive for the most sophisticated reception, and more affordable, but not less luxurious options of diamond fine jewelry for every day.

- We provide a single program on 1C platform for accounting and analysis of trading stocks.
- We provide an analytical report with the information about the best-selling goods in your region (article, gold color, size). This will help you to make the right choice of fine jewelry.
- We give advice on marketing and advertising, and are ready to give master layouts, banners, brochures, flyers, photo and video information developed in the company.
- Registration of the outlet is made according to the brand book.
- We offer effective training for the sales staff of our partners according to the company's standards.
Business insurance
As a business insurance, our company guarantees the redemption of unrealized fine jewelry during 1-2.5 years on the sum of purchase*.
*Full terms of return are specified in the delivery contract.

The EPL Yakutian Diamonds Franchise Offer
Franchise store
Open your signature store under the brand EPL Yakutian Diamonds.
Franchise - island
Open a signature island EPL Yakutian Diamonds.
Brand - section
Decorate one or several windows in your fine jewelry, wedding store or at your hotel under the brand EPL Yakutian Diamonds.
Franchise - store
Open your own brand store EPL Yakutian Diamonds
Initial investments: from $100,000.
Payback period: from 18 months.
Franchise fees: There is no lump sum fee.
When opening a store, we recommend you to consider renting in shopping malls with high traffic and convenient parking. The lodgment must be located on the first floor. Recommended area of 30-40 square meters. Presence of a number of other fine jewelry brands is necessary (this condition provides the traffic of targeted customers). Renovation and manufacturing of the equipment takes 1-1.5 months. Commodity stock for a store of 30-40 square meters starts from $100,000.
Franchise - island
Open your own island of the EPL Yakutian Diamonds brand
Initial investments: from $70,000.
Payback period: from 18 months.
Franchise fees: There is no lump sum fee.
To open an island, we recommend to consider renting at shopping centres with high traffic and convenient parking. The lodgment must be located on the first floor. Recommended area is 8-10 square meters. Presence of a number of other fine jewelry brands is necessary (this condition provides the traffic of targeted customers). Renovation and manufacturing of the equipment takes 1-1.5 months. Commodity stock for an island is $70,000.
Decorate one or several windows in your fine jewelry, wedding store or hotel in the EPL Yakutian Diamonds style.
Initial investments: from $15,000.
Payback period: from 18 months.
Franchise fees: There is no lump sum fee.
The recommended minimum inventory for a brand section starts from $15,000 and depends on the size of a shop window and equipment of your choice. Layouts for window dressing will be designed specifically for your equipment. You sell fine jewelry on EPL recommended prices listed on labels, taking part in all the festivities and discount offers of the company.
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EPL Yakutian Diamonds franchise business model
Efficient business - model
Serious reputation of the company and high brand awareness. Ready-made consumer niche is a guarantee of high demand for products. -
Serious reputation of the company and high brand awareness. Ready-made consumer niche is a guarantee of high demand for products. -
We thoroughly work with each point of sale of our products in any city of the country and the world, helping to create a profitable business. -
Single advertising strategy. The company gives recommendations on the most effective media and marketing promotion. In addition, we provide each point of sale with the necessary promotional materials, made in a single style, and offer a stock plan for the final buyer.
Our common goal is to make your business successful
The advantages of EPL Yakutian Diamonds franchise
- A developed pricing policy, taking into account all the demand nuances.
- Guaranteed return on investment (inventory).
- Wide assortment and its constant updating.
- Advertising support.
- Absence of a lump-sum fee.
- Solid brand with a high level of awareness.
- Maintenance of a personal manager.
- High quality customer service within the network.
- Proven ready-made solutions for commercial equipment and store design.
- Serious reputation of the company.