Detailed franchise description
The fastest growing IT-franchise of 2017 in Russia.
More than 380 connected towns.
More than 1.5 million downloads.
Average rating on Google Play 4.8. People love our app!
Never before in the history of mankind has there been such a rapid development of local digital-projects, as it is now. New town sites, groups and accounts in social networks appear every day.
But there is no user-friendly smartphone application, which would combine all information about the town in one place: news, events, organizations, classifieds, discount offers, forum for dwellers and newcomers, messages from administrations and civil services.
We are 100% sure that your town still does not have such a mobile application. We suggest that you take this chance. After paying the first installment in less than 1 month, you will become the owner of the very first mobile application for your town.
You will become a local Mark Zuckerberg at the forefront of innovation and honor in society, you will unite people and earn money on it.
You will not have competitors because:
- mobile applications are expensive to build and maintain
- few people know how to make great apps
- few people know how to make even 10,000 downloads!
We share all our rich expertise of rapid growth, cheap downloads and easy advertising sales.
With us you will become the owner of a simple remote business with friends all across the world.
We created the community of partners and supporting beginners at all stages of development of their business.
Most of the content is posting by the robot and you do not need to spend much time on it.
The path from the franchise application to the first grateful users and advertisers is less than a month.
With us you will make a quick leap to your dream of your own IT-business! Join now.
Franchise offer
For the lump-sum payment you get account of your town in the 2 native mobile apps on iOS and Android, CMS system for managing the data about your town mobile applications and employees, Instructions for working with CMS, marketing plan for application development in your town. We will give you a mentor and customer support specialist, which will lead you to the money.
How much does My Town App franchise cost?
My Town App has the franchise fee of up to $2,000, with total initial investment from $5,000.
Initial investments: $5,000
Lump-sum payment, subscription fee (royalties) for 3 months in advance, promotion (POS, billboards, video-content, social media, facebook targeting advertising and Google Ads), salary for 1 employee for 3 month.
Payback period: 10 - 12 months
Average turnover per month: $500 - $800
Royalties: from $100 to $300 per month depends on the “size” of the town
Lump-sum payment: $2,000
For the lump-sum payment you get account of your town in the 2 native mobile apps on iOS and Android, CMS system for managing the data about your town mobile applications and employees, Instructions for working with CMS, marketing plan for application development in your town. We will give you a mentor and customer support specialist, which will lead you to the money. .
Other current payments: $2,000
Promotion and employee.
Request Free Info
Business model
Selling advertising to local businesses
Commission with the aggregator of services and goods
- Experience in sales
- Experience in site administration
- Social networks user
Franchise advantages
Completely Remote Business
New IT technologies
Rapidly growing market