Description of Samocat Sharing Franchise – automatic stations of scooter rental
Samocat Sharing — the world’s first transportation system of the "last mile" based on the network of automatic stations of scooter rental. Each sharing station is fully autonomic, set on any surface, doesn’t require electricity. Users rent scooters by using a mobile app, attaching their cellphone number and bank card. The cost of the trip, without the operator’s deduction, transfers to the owner of the station (franchisee).
In 2018, the chain of scooters in amount of 600 was launched in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Sochi and Krasnodar. By the third quarter of 2018 more than 72 thousand trips had been made. 168 stations for 1680 scooters were purchased by the partners and are preparing for setting in the 1st quarter of 2019. The average cost of the trip is $1.7. The revenue for renting of each station is from $610 to $2,290. We commit to obtain all permissions including the location for setting rental stations from the city authorities.

Franchise offer Samocat Sharing
Automatic rental of scooters 24/7 chain
СScooter is a cool thing!
Home, to work, along the city with friends - choose your route and give yourself a ride with a breeze. Combine it with public transport or auto and feel the new level of mobility.
- From $0.03 for a minute
- Easy mobile app
- "Smart" rental stations
The rental system is fully automated and works without human involvement. All you need is to download the application #SamocatSharing and find the nearest station for the scooter rental.
We develop the culture of compact city transport and would be glad of your participation. Join the community!
Would you like to open the network of Samocat Sharing in your city?
Submit a request!
* Seasonal payback
Format of automatic station Samocat Sharing
Automatic station of scooter rental is set on the sidewalks near the parks, transport nodes, pedestrian zones – everywhere, where there are a lot of walking people.
How much does PRIMEBEEF BAR franchise cost?
PRIMEBEEF BAR has total initial investment $6,030.
Initial investments: from $6,030
Payback period: from 3 months
Average monthly turnover: from $1,530
Royalty: none
Franchise fee: none
Other current payments: delivery of stations and setting-up are not included in the price and are paid additionally by the partner.
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Business model of automatic station Samocat Sharing Franchise
Franchisee buys the rental stations from the chain operator and sets them up on his territory. Users pay for rent through the mobile app using their bank card; and the cost of the trip, without the operator’s deduction, transfers to the franchisee’s account.
- None
- Recommended to rent a room from 6 sqm to 8 sqm for the transport-repair workshop
Advantages of automatic station Samocat Sharing Franchise
- The only world’s franchise in the area of automatic rental of scooters
- Secure anti-vandal rental stations and scooters
- Single mobile app for all users
- Single support service 8-800
- The chain of 10 stations for 100 scooters can be serviced by only one person after introductory briefing
- You determine the tariff on your own
- Private account for the franchisee with all trips, transactions and analytics included
- Additional revenue from the advertising
- The stations work automatically, day and night and in any weather
- The scooters are non-electric and don’t need charging, therefore they give proceeds around the clock