Description of the Franchise Pet Hotels Chain BookingCat

Margarita Nikitina, a founder of BookingCat Company, has more than 10 years of experience in working with animals.
What is «BookingCat»
- 50 big personal rooms made of tempered glass;
- 53 HD IP-cameras with night vision, the service allows our customers to watch their pets from anywhere in the world, 24/7;
- 8 tons of tempered glass, 1 km of wires, 3 vets (pet-nurses) constantly taking care of pets;
- professional safety system; air, surfaces, water cleaning and disinfection;
- online booking system;
- adaptive classical music for stress relief, zootaxi, pet grooming and care.
For whom can this franchise be interesting?
For all entrepreneurs.
- Online sales funnel (contextual advertising, SMM, media-portals and printed editions).
- SEO promotion on the first page of Google.
- Cross-advertising with partners: "Feed the Beast" - the service of food delivery for animals, blog posts, "Cotocafe".
- The first place, according to customer feedbacks on pet hotels for cats (yelloy.ru, zoom).
- Partner programs with online stores, offline networks, vet clinics and grooming salons.
- Instagram profile with a constantly growing number of subscribers.
Our marketing specialists will provide you with:
- Online sales funnel (Contextual advertising, SMM, media-portals and printed editions).
- SEO promotion for your website to get it ranked on the first page of Google thematic search results of your city.
- Cross-advertising with partners, for example, in Moscow we cooperate with "Feed the Beast," the service of food delivery for animals, create and add posts to different blogs, have a partnership with Pet cafe.
- The first place , according to customer feedbacks on pet hotels for cats (yelloy.ru, zoom).
- Instagram profile with constantly growing number of subscribers.
- Partner programs with online stores, offline networks, vet clinics and grooming salons.
Franchise offer

We encourage you to open a unique hotel for cats in your city under the brand name BookingCat and become the first one who will make millions providing pet services.
How much does BookingCat franchise cost?
BookingCat has the franchise fee of up to $8,350, with total initial investment of up to $4,530.
Initial investments: $4,530.
Payback period: from 12 months.
Average yearly turnover: from $78,000.
Royalties: 7%.
Lump sum payment: $8,350:
- Joint contact center in Russia;
- Website for online booking and payment;
- Assistance in choosing an area;
- Design project;
- Database of information materials, instructions, and scripts;
- Brand strategy and unique marketing;
- Quality control and high level of service;
- Staff training;
- Consulting.
Other current payments: $2,500.
Request Free Info
Success story

Margarita Nikitina, founder of the hotel, has achieved higher education in the specialty of veterinary medicine and has a Ph.D. in Veterinary Sciences.
She started her career as a vet and worked both in veterinary medicine and veterinary sanitary expertise. She made a career move to her position as top manager and head of quality control at the largest food retail chain in Russia.
She dreamt in her childhood about becoming a vet and organizing an animal shelter. When she was a student, she thought about opening a pet hotel, because she didn’t know where to leave her Labrador Retriever and cat when she went away. All the services available on the market at the time did not meet her requirements.
“Quality means doing your job well even if nobody is watching you.”
That is exactly what we do 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days a year for you.
“We take care of your pet while you have a rest.”
Margarita Nikitina
One in three families encounter the question where to board their pet at least once a year?!
There are 25 rooms in our hotel.
The rooms are of three types: standard, comfort and suite.
Room rates per day: from $10 to $17.
Grooming services are available for at least 5 cats.
With 70% occupancy rate the hotel business turnover is $8,850.
Monthly expenses are approximately $2,500, the rest is your net profit!
Pet hotel is a highly profitable business with more than 30% margin.
- Availability of necessary funds to open the hotel.
- This could be a business center, an office building, a freestanding building and others not far then 150 meters from living buildings.

Manufacturing in Russia, using European fabrics, strict control by a customer which requires high quality production, medium + and premium pricing segments. Only natural fabrics are used, all products are certified and appropriate sanitary and hygienic conclusions are available. The office and a warehouse program in Moscow allows you to regularly update the range of products.
One in three families has a cat, 15% of all expenditures are spent on pet boarding. People need someone to take care of their pet, not only when they are on vacation but also when they have a home repair, business trips, sickness, etc.
- Free market niche.
- High-margin business with 20% a yield.
- Opening takes only 1 month.
- The founder of the hotel chain has a Ph.D. in Vet Sciences.
- Own software, CRM, with a possibility of deep analytics.
- Online booking system.
- Lido generation for a partner, sales from the first month.
- Parnet’s address added to main website.
- Professional approach in working with animals, compliance with veterinary norms, availability of communication instructions and scripts.
Our partners make money through:
- Temporary pet boarding and care.
- Selling pet goods.
- Grooming.

Advantages for customers:
- Our staff are professional vets.
- Cototaxi provides pet transfer from home. Pet is examined before being taken to the hotel.
- Cotonurse, a vet available at every hotel, who examines an animal and looks after it.
- Hygienic glass (material for an animal room).
- Professional disinfection, air, water and surface cleaning system.
- Adaptive music. Special tunes for animal adaptation.
- 24/7 video surveillance from a pet owner's smartphone.
- Photo reports on popular instant messengers.
- Grooming and hygienic care (ears, eyes, claws, etc.).
- Comfortable environment and attention to an animal. They are played with, petted, looked after.
- Professional care for animals.
- An individual approach for preparing food for animals . We accept animals with any diet.
Indisputable Facts

- Russia is a country with most pet cat population;
- One of three families has a cat - it is much cheaper and easier to keep a cat than a dog;
- Pet boarding or sitting takes 15% of all pet spending in Russia;
- The reason to leave a pet in a hotel is not only an owner`s vacation but also a room repair, business trips, an owner's illness or allergy, etc.;
- We are the first professional pet hotels chain in Russia.