Real Vegan Burger "Swing Kitchen" Franchise

Swing Kitchen is an innovave and unique concept in the quick-service system catering sector. Our sustainable ‘Real Vegan Burgers’ make a posive impression on hundreds of thousands of guests each year! Currently, we operate five restaurants in Austria (Vienna and Graz), but further branches are in the planning stages. Our Swing Kitchen Franchise-System (SKFS ) offers franchisees a well thought out and proven vegan gastronomy concept: From advising on the choice of location and training of the crew through to brand staging, our franchise package contains all the ingredients for a good business with good food! We offer the following franchise models:
What we offer
- Support in advance of a potenal franchise partnership;
- Use of trademark rights;
- Consultaon on selecng a locaon;
- Help with starng up the restaurant;
- Our Know-how and proven operang system;
- Training program;
- Further system developments, new product developments;
- Respect, straighorward honesty, fair play and a collaborave partnership.
What we expect
- Idenficaon with the company philosophy as well as loyalty to the brand;
- A proven track record in business management, preferably in system catering;
- Experience in the respecul and construcve development and leadership of a movated team;
- Target group oriented approach;
- Inial net investment of at least € 600,000;
- Access to appropriate real estate / locaon with at least 150 m?
Franchise offer

Swing Kitchen Single-Unit Franchise
This franchise opportunity is aimed at persons inially interested in operang one restaurant under a franchise agreement with licensing for further restaurants being an opon, conngent on feasibility and mutual agreement between franchisor and franchisee. Guaranteed territory protecon is only possible to a limited extent.
Swing Kitchen Mul-Unit Franchise
This form of franchise opportunity offers the possibility of developing a region or area in Austria or abroad. With a mul-unit agreement, the planned locaons and opening dates are defined. This model grants territorial and developmental protecon. Mul-Unit Franchising is the preferred model for outside Austria.

How much does Swing Kitchen franchise cost?
Swing Kitchen has the franchise fee of up to $30,000, with total initial investment from $700,000.
Initial investments: $700,000
Payback period: 24 - 72 months
Monthly turnover: $111,000
Royalties: 5% of net-sales
Lump sum payment: $30,000
Including: the use of the brand, the use of automated systems, access database, development of design layout of store, personnel training, know-how-transfer
Other current payments:Prospective additipnal marceting fee of 1% net-sales in the future.
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Success story
- 2015/Jan.: First store opened in Vienna/AT (Company)
- 2015/Dec.: Second store opened in Vienna/AT (Company)
- 2016/Oct.: Third store opened in one of Europes biggest malls, souther of Vienna/AT (Franchise)
- 2017/Apr.: Fourth store opened in Vienna/AT (Franchise)
- 2017/Sep.: Fih store opened in Graz/AT (Company)
- 2018/Feb.: Sixths store opening in Vienna/AT (Company)
Business model
- Franchise Fees:
- With both forms of franchise there is an inial franchise fee per restaurant of € 25,000. In addion, there is a monthly franchise fee (royales) of 5 % of total net sales.
Franchise advantages
Great USP in a new and growing branche:
- 100% all vegan
- sustainable
- plasc free
- systemazed
- quick service
- burger restaurant
- franchise concept