Title Boxing Club Franchise for Sale

Title Boxing Club Franchise Opportunities

TITLE Boxing Club are the first and only fitness club dedicated to giving people the most empowering boxing workout of their lives. Their signature workout utilizes the fundamentals of a true boxer’s workout – including proper heavy bag training – to strengthen and tone arms, legs, back, core and stamina. The company was founded in 2008. They also provides franchise opportunities. As of 2018, TITLE Boxing Club operates 168 franchises in the United States and 2 ones outside the country.

How much does Title Boxing Club franchise cost?

Title Boxing Club has the franchise fee of up to $49,500, with total initial investment range of $162,808 to $478,925.

Initial investments: $162,808 - $478,925
Net-worth Requirement: $400,000
Liquid Cash Requirement: $100,000

Ongoing Fees

Initial Franchise Fee: $49,500
Ongoing Royalty Fee: 7.5%
Ad Royalty Fee: 1%

Title Boxing Club Franchise

Support Options

Classroom Training: 30 hours

Title Boxing Club Franchise Info: https://titleboxingclub.com/own-a-franchise

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