Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park Camp-Resorts Franchise Opportunities
Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park™ Camp-Resorts offer traditional camping experience with the addition of cabins, vacation rentals, and resort amenities such as splashgrounds and mini-golf. The franchise was founded in 1969, with its first location in Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin. Jellystone Park is the only franchise business opportunity with a campground chain in the United States focused solely on the family demographic. As of 2018, the company operates 78 franchises in the United States and 6 ones outside the country.
How much does Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park Camp-Resorts franchise cost?
Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park Camp-Resorts has the franchise fee of up to $10,000, with total initial investment range of $62,000 to $3,016,000.
Initial investments: $62,000 - $3,016,000
Ongoing Fees
Initial Franchise Fee: $10,000
Ongoing Royalty Fee: 3.5%
Ad Royalty Fee: 1.5%

Support Options
On-The-Job Training: 20+ hours
Classroom Training: 33.5 hours
Absentee Ownership Allowed
Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park Camp-Resorts Franchise Info: https://www.jellystonefranchise.com/
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