About the brand «Tesla»

From the very beginning of establishing the Club of Young Engineers “Tesla” we were inspired by the idea to give the guys everything we know - teach them how to solder, drill, work with tools, program, do 3D modeling and use CNC machines. And, finally, assemble real robots for participating in competitions and just for themselves.
We always considered that we should have real robotics, where soldering iron can burn you. Incorrectly assembled electronic circuit? It will burn, emitting blue smoke. "It is all grown-up with us" - that's what we say to the guys. And they accept the challenge. Young engineers have been studying in our Clubs for years, immersing themselves in the world of technology.
We see our mission in assisting of appearing new generation of engineers. It is not only robotics. We are interested in all technics, all engineering science.
We help young engineer to decide if technics is his subject or not. If he likes engineering, we help to understand what exactly out of technique is close to particular child. We are engaged in good honest professional orientation of young engineers and prepare them for their future adult life. We see our task accomplished when the young engineer chooses his own path in life and starts earning with his knowledge and skills.
We want for more creators to grow, but not consumers. Join the team and influence our common future through educating new generation of engineers!

Franchise description
At the beginning of 2023 there are 9 Clubs of Young Engineers “Tesla”, 4 of which are based franchise. Franchise direction started to develop from 2018 and all Clubs of the Chain have gone through several crises, stand out and successfully operate, giving joy to children and profit to their owners.
Chain of Clubs “Tesla” invites into the team all, who looks at the possibilities of modern children with burning eyes and sees in them an unlimited potential.
More Clubs in the chain, more children will get joy of creativity and creation. More will be able to decide on future profession. And our franchisees will be able to work efficient and develop their business, basing experience of existing Clubs of Young Engineers “Tesla”.
How much does the Tesla franchise cost?
Tesla has a franchise fee ranges from $20,000, with a total initial investment from $49,500.
Total investments: from $49,500, including franchise fee.
Franchise fee: from $20,000
Cosmetic repairs: from $15,000
Equipment for fitting premises: from $6,000
Consumables and tools for the training: from $7,000
Advertising campaign before opening (including grand opening): from $1,500
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What is included into the franchise fee:
- Operation under registered trade mark “Tesla”
- Guideline for organizing business-processes
- Individual financial model
- Help in searching premises, estimation of location
- Calendar plan for launching your business
- Access to CRM-system
- Help in settlement of finance accounting, launching online accounting, online cash desk
- Providing own exclusive methods and programs on training for each direction
- Recommendations for schedule creation
- Recommendations for mentors’ selection and staff recruitment
- Mentors and administration staff training on working technologies of the Club of Young Engineers “Tesla”
- Help in building the team and staff motivation system
- Marketing plan for online and offline promotion
- Effective technologies for customers’ retention
- Guideline for corporate style (brand-book)
- Marketing materials and content drafts
- Method for working with parents
- Information publishing about your Club on the main web site and social media
- Royalty 10%, but not less than 500 $ from the 2nd month after the Club’s opening.

Support of the franchisee after the opening
- Access to CRM
- Access to personal account on the web site for each young engineer
- Update of the Club’s “Tesla” methods and access to all training materials
- Regular training and qualification upgrading for the mentors
- Renewed drafts of the marketing materials
- Audit for operation of your Club “Tesla” with recommendations provided
- Help in crises
- Support and consultations from Curators
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Requirements to buyers of the franchise
If you share our values and love children, we are waiting for You in our Team. We will build together the world famous Clubs’ network of young engineers “Tesla”.
Let us touch the future by contributing to the education of young engineers!
Advantages of the franchise «Tesla»
- Big name – your Club is always noticeable.
- The team of the Club of Young Engineers “Tesla” has experience of many years starting, developing and supporting Clubs’ operations.
- Efficiency and business profit, proven by the practice.
- Quick start – experience of the team for the “Tesla” Clubs allows to open the Club in short term of 1 month.
- Providing Team for the opening – allows to cut time for launching the Club.
- Curator – the franchisee gets curator from the team of “Tesla”, who helps in settlement of issues.
- “Tesla” School of mentors provides regular training to all mentors of the network.
- CRM-system for managing operations with Customers and Club’s staff.
- Set of instructions – step by step action plan for situations, typical for handling business in sphere of children’s additional education.
- Own call-center, which frees up your time, getting calls.
- Discount system for buying “Tesla” sets.
- Personal account on the web site for each young engineer.
- You will be able to proudly call yourself source of modern engineers.