About uBreakiFix franchise
The company was established in 2009. And, today, uBreakiFix is the best provider of tech repair services in the US. The brand takes pride in the quality of its services and customer-oriented approach. People bring all kinds of gadgets and devices to any of uBreakiFix franchises and receive quick repairs at affordable prices. Nowadays, there are over 425 units across the country, and the brand only continues to grow.
Opening an uBreakiFix franchise is a chance to operate in a thriving repair industry and make great sales, and, therefore, profits. The brand supports its franchisees and helps them achieve their dream of owning their own business. Franchising is the best way to get into any market, and uBreakiFix offers many promising business opportunities.
Advantages of the franchise
- Attractive pricing policy. The brand has the most competitive prices for services, and customers return to its stores time after time.
- Help with land selection. The uBreakiFix management team assists franchisees with finding the right location for the store, design, and construction works.
- Low startup costs. uBreakiFix franchise costs less than any other franchise in the similar field.
- Buying power. The brand connects you to its distribution chain and offers parts at low prices.
- Extensive training. All partners have to undergo a training program in Orlando, FL in order to acquire necessary skills and knowledge for a successful operation of your unit.
- Recruiting manuals. uBreakiFix provides guides and interview questions, so franchisees can attract qualified employees to their unit.
Franchise requirements
uBreakiFix is looking for enthusiastic and goal-oriented candidates that want to open and operate their own business. Background in sales is a major benefit. The brand expects management and team-building skills from prospective partners. Starting a franchise business is a challenging but rewarding task, so candidates will have to put in a lot of effort and time in its development. Thus, entrepreneurs have to be ready to meet all financial requirements to be considered.
How much is an uBreakiFix franchise?
The total uBreakiFix franchise cost varies, depending on the unit size and its location. The initial investment is estimated at approximately $60,400-$220,850. The franchise fee is $40,000. All entrepreneurs need to have at least $100,000 in liquid capital and a net worth of $200,000.
Request Free Info
uBreakiFix Franchise Info: https://www.ubreakifix.com