Results of the Topfranchise conference in Ethnomir

Results, thoughts, news of the conference. Briefly.
A new full-fledged private school for 600 students has been opened in Russia with advanced educational practices. School Ethnomir. Teachers from all over the country. Its a microgreen farm. Ethnomir. Kaluga region. Private investment. 2021 year. Russia today.
At the Topfranchise conference, it turned out that the most innovative and innovative private schools were presented as guests and speakers. Belaya Vorona Yuri and Evgeniya Belonoschenko, School Space Kirill Lebedev, Smart School, Franchise Play School of Igor Rybakov's school, which was represented by Ruslan Nurullin School Ethnomir. It's amazing that we all met and met on the same day.
Gratitude is the best way to retain franchisees, employees, partners. Call your parents, the parents of your tops, say thank you. Yuri Belonoshchenko, Baby Club.
The Russian School of Mathematics and Arithmetic Smarty Kids from Novosibirsk, despite the crisis, is developing in Eastern Europe - Bulgaria and Romania. Almost 100 locations are already there. Russian S.T.E.a.M in education is in demand at the international level.
The product is the best method and channel for selling the franchise. Marketing of the Championica company.

Franchising support measures
The Russian Franchising Association has developed a program for creating Franchising Centers in Russian cities. The Association, represented by Yuri Mikhailichenko, accumulates information on measures to support franchising by the state and banks. RAF is useful, join the ranks!
The large development company A101 announced its plans and hopes related to the franchising industry. During the year, the company A101, together with our company Topfranchise, carried out a huge amount of work to update the franchises for housing complexes under construction.
The thesis of the book "Grow up with a Franchise" in the chapter Micro district. Instructions for use in action!

Two companies - speakers of the conference announced their plans for an IPO. That's cool! There will be much more public franchise companies in Russia in the future!
Most people don't think about their franchise horizons in 10 to 20 years. There are risks that can be minimized with basic insurance. Financial Advisor Ilya Panteleimonov told how to preserve and increase the funds earned through franchising.
StartTrack launched the ability to sell stakes in companies listed on their platform. For beginner franchises, this is another investment attraction tool. Anton Utekhin told how it is planned to be implemented.
Russian market
The CDEK company showed the best example of what franchising in Russia is and how to grow in this country. More than 1000 new points for 2020. Let's take an example from a company from Novosibirsk.
The law is on the side of the copyright holder, said Dima Markanov, managing partner of Patentus, and showed us a calendar with daily court sessions in which our partners, Patentus Law Company, successfully participate.
Small towns and regional centers are a good environment for the development of many franchises. This proves the success of the Englishwoman franchise.
Franchising needs an ecosystem - Viktor Bolshakov told about this.

At the conference, we announced that our international marketplace Topfranchise. com started cooperation with the Russian Export Center.
We recommend that you start exporting your franchise from our platform.
Almost all companies - speakers of our conference are already represented in other countries.
For the first time at the conference, the legendary company Dodo brands and Ilya Zomba talked about their international development. What we have checked repeatedly before is working - Russian and Russian-speaking investors - buyers of the franchise. Do not be ashamed of this. This initial data must be used 100%.
Our partner Felix de Wit from Holland, an international franchise expert, expressed his faith in Russian brands in Europe. We must act!

The wind in Russian business is usually a headwind. A tailwind is rare. But it is within our power to tune the sails of our business ships so as to go forward.
Thank you for participating and organizing!
TopFranchise Conference is a bright event this spring!
Ethnomir is a unique project with all the conditions for cool business events.
We thank the participants, speakers, the Ethnomir team!
Good luck this year!

Written by
Vasil Gazizulin
Founder of
CEO Expedition 2009 - 2014
Author of a book «GROW WITH A FRANCHISE»
by franchise