DIVITIA franchise opportunities
Franchise of the network of dance academies DIVITIA - school of the new generation to create a happy harmonious creative space.

DIVITIA is more than business.
It’s a big dance-family that is lovingly nurtured by the founder of the company. A family where everyone finds the opportunity to realize their talents and gets the full spectrum of truly warm emotions.
The DIVITIA Dance Academy - we are talking about a long-term partnership, about the creation of a large family. So today we are developing a large internal infrastructure to transfer only 11 years of experience in this field, so that interaction and work were as productive as possible, and the profits of each partner grew.
With our partners we work in depth, step by step on the way of building your business.
For 11 years now, we have created a creative space where a healthy, successful, strong and happy person grows and develops, where the necessary skills are developed for a successful future and his faith in himself grows!
We are for quality and result!
Students of Divitia - multiple laureates of international and all competitions, winners of championships, and someone became a professional athlete.
Our product is in great demand among parents, so you can be sure that before opening we will bring customers.
Our main product is an author’s technique aimed at developing a universal dancer and a healthy happy personality (from 2 years). In addition, the Academy implements up to 20 different directions.

The fashion for the all-round development of children grows every year.
More and more people are thinking about the importance of developing flexible skills in children, and we want children’s thinking to be creative, without extra blocks and "cockroaches". And if to this will be added physical development, beautiful figure, development of taste and instilling an aesthetic look at life, Broaden your worldview through active dance life and developing confidence and developing fear of manifestation and shyness through a large number of performances - surely you become where you want to come, where you want to do and with whom to grow up together. We know this place, we have built it ourselves.
Welcome to the DIVITIA Academy - a place where stars are lit!
If you want to open a business in a children’s niche, but do not know what, we advise you to pay attention to those options that pay attention to the complex development, where dance and physical development, development of thinking, work on flexible skills are productively intertwined in a single result product. Of course, this approach more and more resonates in people’s hearts. And because of that, customers always find you.
Advantages of the business:
To be the owner of the Academy of Dance - profitable and prestigious. First, your activities will always bring you a good income. Secondly, you will not only have the satisfaction of contributing to a successful future, because children are our future, you will have the happiness of making children’s lives brighter, of helping them grow and of changing them for the better. Their happy eyes are the first indicator of your success.
But these are not the only advantages of this business.
- You won’t need many permits.
- You won’t have to spend a lot of money on advertising.

SIZE OF area
Area from 70 sq.m.
- Hall from 45 sq.m. without columns;
- Separate entrance;
- Tidy surrounding area;
- Transport accessibility;
- Availability of water, sewage and ventilation systems.
Become part of the DIVITIA family and open the doors of your Academy in the new season!
You don’t have to make a decision at once! Start with training to see how suitable this business is for you!
How much does the DIVITIA franchise cost?
DIVITIA has a franchise fees of $7,500, with a total initial investment from $20,000.
Initial Investment: $20,000 - $25,000
Payback period: 11 months
Average turnover per month: $5,500
Royalties: 5%
Franchise fees: $7,500
- Branding
- Start training, mentoring from the founder
- Internet view
- Information on site, separate page on shared domain
- Brand book
- Corporate university
- Employee training
- Marketing strategy, individual creatives
- Author's teaching methods
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Average profitability:
- Conversion to sale 75%
- Outflow rate 8%
- Thus, on average, 92% of customers make repeat purchases. On average, the customer makes 8 subscription purchases per month (taking into account the outflow and illnesses of children)
- 70% of children attend the Academy for 3 years or more.
If we take an average bill of 50 USD (depending on the region, the cost of the subscription and expenses will change, but the calculation logic is the same)
- Number of clients/sales per month: 110
- 110*50 = 5500 USD
Expenses: 3000 USD
Average net profit: 2500 USD.
The franchisee earns by selling season tickets (1, 3, 6 months, year), paying for trial classes, selling related products, selling merchandise, holding events.
An individual business plan will be developed with each partner.
If you love children as much as we do, if you are ready to work hard, constantly improve your skills and understand all the intricacies of your business, and have seriously decided to devote yourself to work in the creative development of children and adults, we will gladly become partners with you.
We will help you not only to organize and run a profitable business in a trendy niche, but also give you the opportunity to become happier from the benefit you will bring to people.
Before buying a franchise, the potential partner is trained and acquainted with all the nuances of the business.
- Mentoring from the founder and close work of the management team with a partner.
- Author's teaching methods.
- In addition, our partners have the opportunity not to engage in online marketing and initial communication with customers at all. We know very well how difficult it is to build a system and find quality contractors and sales managers. Therefore, we take primary communication with customers and are ready to provide your marketing department and sales department.
- Opportunity to hire a professional team of a centralized marketing department and sales department for a price below the salary of one specialist.
- Training is provided before purchasing the franchise.

«For a long time, I had a great desire to do something interesting. I thought a lot, considered options.
The main criteria for the training were:
- Benefits;
- Human relation;
- Development of the young generation.
And I came to the conclusion that the SCHOOL OF DANCE in this case is very suitable. I shared these thoughts with my friends and they took this idea at the HURRAH!
For which I am very grateful!
Once again, looking at information about franchises on the Internet, I come across the NATIONAL ACADEMY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF CULTURE AND ARTS DIVITIA", at this moment like a light bulb on!
I think that’s it! It’s definitely mine!
I contacted the founder of the Academy Elena Firdavisovna and finally decided that I want to cooperate and open my own dance floor in Tsibanovalka by unique author’s method.
Yeah, it was a little complicated at first, but it’s okay!
After all, I am not exactly alone! DIVITIA is primarily a family! Where you can always find support and choose the right course!»