About the brand Stemtree

The children’s education industry consists of two main segments: remedial (or Tutoring) and enrichment. The market size of the remedial business is about $200 billion, while the enrichment business space has about $24 billion. Stemtree, through its five STEM programs, is the only franchise that offers both remedial as well as enrichment programs - a market size of $224 billion.

Stemtree is a K-12 education center that offers science, coding, robotics, electricity & electronics, and mathematics curricula. Stemtree offers non-repeating, multi-concept, award winning camps year-round. In fact, Stemtree camps have been voted the best summer camp in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022. Our programs are not structured in a traditional classroom setting. At Stemtree, we provide all students with one-on-one instruction. This customized learning style is considered a highly effective learning environment for students.
Stemtree’s curriculum goes beyond STEM activities. It helps students improve problem-solving skills, enhance critical thinking ability, learn the complex concepts behind their STEM activities, and most of all have fun while learning. Our programs encourage students to review and apply basic STEM skills through our engineering, science, coding, and math workouts. All workouts include hands-on activities to re-enforce the student’s skills.

Stemtree was founded on the idea that nothing is more important than enriching the lives of others, and we want to extend that service to our franchisees. Stemtree offers a comprehensive training programs and on-going support for all our franchisees to help grow their business.
Stemtree is the brainchild and passion of our founder, Abdelghani “Bell” Bellaachia. Affectionately known as “Dr. Bell,” he is a familiar face at Stemtree and can often be found mentoring staff, working with students, or chatting with parents. Bell’s love of – and knack for – the study of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) inspired his own path as both student and educator. This understanding has fostered in him an unwavering commitment to preparing tomorrow’s leaders for their future careers. Bell’s sights are set on creating in Stemtree a premiere center with a comprehensive K-12 science, technology, engineering, and mathematics curriculum and a unique education model.

Stemtree provides a K-12 educational business opportunity in the growing multi-billion dollar after-school industry. In addition to our multi-concept curricula for students, we have a multi-concept business model for franchisees. We offer 365 potential revenue streams by combining brick and mortar operations with home-based operations, through offering in-center as well as out-center programs. Stemtree franchises can be run as operator-owner, semi-absentee, or fully absentee.
Size of a center
The average unit for a STEMTREE Franchise is 1,500 to 2,500 square feet in size. All Stemtree Centers must have a Workout Floor, Laboratory, and Office.
Stemtree’s unique concept, as well as its perspective on the remedial (tutoring) and enrichment education marketplaces, has prepared us to expand our franchise at a rapid pace. Our business model is structured to support the industry influx, allowing for new Stemtree franchisees to start generating returns more quickly.
These industries are expansive and constantly growing. That means it is the perfect moment to invest in a science franchise from Stemtree. As an investor, you are able to take advantage of the increased demand for STEM-based education by providing students with a fund and education learning environment.

By combining brick & mortar business with home-based operations, Stemtree’s year-round programs offer franchisees a 365 potential revenue from multiple sources. Stemtree centers can be run as operator-owner, semi-absentee, or fully absentee business.
Early franchisees are provided with an exclusive territory where they can make the most of the competitive advantage that will be open to them. We encourage you to sign up and act without delay, as open markets do not last long.
Request Free Info
- Candidates must be able to meet financial requirements, as well as requirements outlined in our FDD.
- Stemtree looks for franchisees who enjoy working with children, want to contribute to the STEM community, and eager to make a positive impact in future generation.
- Candidates with a background in STEM fields, Education, Sales, Business, and/or Marketing are highly encouraged to apply.

- Highly structured K-12 science, coding, robotics, electricity & electronics, and math curricula
- Combine remedial (tutoring) and enrichment program
- Customized learning for all students in all programs
- Combine both brick & mortar and home-based/mobile before & after school programs
- Our experience in education, IT consulting, and franchising
- 365 multi-revenue streams
- An exclusive territory
- State of the art technology platform
- Options to run as operator-owner, semi-absentee, or fully absentee business
- Marketing & Advertising Support
- Training & On-going Support
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