Franchise Opportunities in Serbia

Popular franchise directions in Serbia

List of franchises for sale available in Serbia
Investment from $150,000

Investment from $41,000

Investment from $275,000

Investment from $488,405

Investment on demand

Investment from $1,875

Investment from $74,082,490

Investment from $76,150

Investment from $109,250

Investment from $292,634

Attractiveness of Serbia for the development of franchise business

Serbia is a country located in Southeastern Europe on the Balkan Peninsula. The population of Serbia is 8,739,958 and the urban people are 59.3%.
The top trade partners of Serbia are Italy, Germany, China, Russia, Hungary, and many others.

The most dynamically developing business areas are industrial machinery, banks, airlines, brewers, food products, business support services, and others.
Serbia takes the 71st place as the largest export economy country.

Belgrade (1.37 mln ppl), Novi Sad (289,128), Nis (185,987), Kragujevac (150,850), and Kraljevo (67,142) are the biggest cities so generally, they are potentially the most catching for business opportunities for franchise companies.

Franchising in Serbia is less developed but it has the capability to actively upcoming. Serbia is a prospective market for a wide variety of franchises, like catering and apparel. There is a real growing users inquiry for different products and services. While depositors and economists know about the flaws that worsen doing business in Serbia, its upcoming economy invites investments from numerous segments. Serbian IT companies have their developing centers there. The country owns very good soils suitable for agriculture. Serbia takes the 4th place in the manufacturing and export of raspberry in the world.

In the last couple of years, Serbia has simplified the easy beginning of a business and takes 42nd place (91st earlier) in the world according to the World Bank and IFC.

There are high investment business opportunities, as well as cheap franchises in Serbia presented for review, the choice is yours.

Felix de Wit

Felix de Wit
Official representative of Topfranchise in Europe


Indicators of Serbian Business Market

  • Capital: Belgrade

  • Currency: Serbian dinar (RSD, ‎din)

  • Education Index (2015): 0,76

  • Official languages: Serbian

  • Per capita GDP (PPP): $17,076

  • Quality-of-life index (0-10): 5,86

  • Population: 7 mln

  • Total GDP (PPP): $118,929 billion

  • Ease of Doing Business Ranking, Rank: 48

  • Gini: 37,8

  • Human Development Index (HDI): 0,787