Franchise Opportunities in Macedonia
Popular franchise directions in Macedonia
Cafe Franchises
Food Franchises
Consulting Franchises
Education Franchises
Entertainment Franchises
Сleaning Franchises
Travel Franchises
Attractiveness of Macedonia for the development of franchise business
Macedonia is a country situated in southeastern Europe with a population of 2.074 million people. The majority of the citizens live in an urban area, including Skopje (546,824 ppl), Bitola (86,528), and Kumanovo (76,275) towns.
More than 10 years ago Macedonian government started an aggressive campaign aimed to attract foreign businesses. Therefore, nowadays Macedonia offers free access to a market of over 650 million customers through Free Trade Agreements, low taxes, company registration within 4 hours, good infrastructure and political and macroeconomic stability. Which are very favorable for international businesses including franchise companies.
Franchise businesses are highly welcome, however, they have not been so popular business models in the country so far. Still, there are several franchises available on the market operating mainly in food and beverage, hotel and retail sectors.
The researches show that the most prospective sectors which require new business concepts are transportation infrastructure, information technology and computers, construction, tourism, and food processing. Macedonia is a small country thus, investors may wish to buy franchise licenses for several markets in the region rather than for Macedonia only.
There are high investment business opportunities, as well as cheap franchises in Macedonia presented for review, the choice is yours.

Felix de Wit
Official representative of Topfranchise in Europe
Indicators of Macedonian Business Market
Capital: Skopje
Currency: Macedonian denar (MKD, den)
Education Index (2015): 0,673
Official languages: Macedonian, Albanian
Per capita GDP (PPP): $16,253
Quality-of-life index (0-10): -
Population: 2,1 mln
Total GDP (PPP): $33,822 billion
Ease of Doing Business Ranking, Rank: 10
Gini: 33,6
Human Development Index (HDI): 0,757