Franchise Opportunities in Hungary
Popular franchise directions in Hungary
Attractiveness of Hungary for the development of franchise business
Hungary is a country in Pannonian Basin in Central Europe. The current population of Hungary is 9,663,574 citizens.
The most dynamically developing business spheres are mobile technology, information security, automotive, electronics, pharmaceuticals, metallurgy, food processing, information technology, chemicals, machinery, and tourism.
Budapest (1.76 mln), Debrecen (202,520), Szeged (161,879), Miskolc (157,639), and Pecs (145,011) are the biggest cities in Hungary and are attractive for business franchise opportunities. The country’s major trading partners are Germany, Italy, France, Austria, Netherlands, UK, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Russia, and China. Hungary takes the 36th place in the export economy in the world. The country has a strong accent on exterior trade.
Franchising in Hungary began in the ’90s with the opening of hotel chains and fast food. After that franchising companies has been upcoming quickly all around the country.
The most popular franchises in Hungary are food, home healthcare, automotive services, hair and nail services, janitorial services, mobile pet grooming, dry cleaning and laundry, education and elder care. Nearly 26% of the external-owned franchises in Hungary are held under USA bunch. Hungary has also its own franchises for sale such as real estate agencies, beauty salons, fashion outlets, and others.
There are high investment business opportunities, as well as cheap franchises in Hungary presented for review, the choice is yours.

Felix de Wit
Official representative of Topfranchise in Europe
Indicators of Hungarian Business Market
Capital: Budapest
Currency: Forint (HUF, Ft)
Education Index (2015): 0,834
Official languages: Hungarian
Per capita GDP (PPP): $33,408
Quality-of-life index (0-10): 6,06
Population: 9,8 mln
Total GDP (PPP): $325,134 billion
Ease of Doing Business Ranking, Rank: 53
Gini: 30.1
Human Development Index (HDI): 0,838
Franchising news in Hungary