Franchise opportunities in Belgium

Popular franchise directions in Belgium

List of franchises for sale available in Belgium
Investment from $5,000

Investment from $104,000

Investment from $100,000

Investment from $150,000

Investment from $1,875

Investment from $275,000

Investment on demand

Investment from $488,405

Investment from $74,082,490

Investment from $269,550

Investment from $76,150

Investment from $109,250

Investment from $292,634

Investment from $464,500

Investment from $69,583

Attractiveness of Belgium for the development of franchise business

The Kingdom of Belgium is one of the smallest but the best populated (11.50 million ppl) countries of Europe. 97.4% of Belgians live in urban areas, the majority inhabit such big cities as Brussels (1.2 mln) and Antwerpen (523,248). The average household net-adjusted disposable income per capita is USD 29 968 a year which is a little less than the OECD average. However, Belgians are more satisfied with their lives, giving 6.9 grade on average compared to OECD average of 6.5.

Belgium’s central location and well-developed transport network made it the home for European Union headquarters, an attractive destination for international tourists (approx.15.2 million tourist arrivals per year) and helped to build a well-diversified economy.

The government has launched the reform program to improve business opportunities for the country. It includes changes to labor market rules, tax policy, and welfare benefits.

According to Belgian Franchise Federation, Belgium’s franchising system includes 100 franchisors and 3,500 franchisees successfully working on the market generating more than € 2.4 billion. Although franchising is developing slowly, some increase is noticed in D-I-Y, confection, in-house, electrical household equipment and fast-food businesses.
Belgium adopted a law on pre-contractual information of commercial agreements which makes a franchisor provide a draft of the agreement a month before signing it. So that a franchisee can evaluate the risks of the contract.

There are high investment business opportunities, as well as cheap franchises in Belgium presented for review, the choice is yours.

Felix de Wit

Felix de Wit
Official representative of Topfranchise in Europe


Indicators of Belgian Business Market

  • Capital: Brussels

  • Currency: Euro (€)

  • Education Index (2015): 0,841

  • Official languages: Dutch, French, German

  • Per capita GDP (PPP): $48,258

  • Quality-of-life index (0-10): 7,51

  • Population: 11,36 mln

  • Total GDP (PPP): $550,664 billion

  • Ease of Doing Business Ranking, Rank: 52

  • Gini: 26,03

  • Human Development Index (HDI): 0,89