Franchise opportunities in the Netherlands
Popular franchise directions in The Netherlands
Attractiveness of the Netherlands for the development of franchise business
The Netherlands is a relatively small country with a population of about 17 million with 83% being urban dwellers. The household net-adjusted disposable income per capita $27,759 a year is a little smaller than the OECD average of $29,016.
The largest city of the Netherlands is its capital city of Amsterdam (circa 813,000 citizens). Other large cities are Rotterdam (623,652), the Hague (514,861), Utrecht (334,176), and Eindhoven (223,209), but none of the cities have a population of more than 1 million.
The Netherlands boasts a strong and stable economy, which is vastly attractive for foreign franchisors, because of its transparent and open economic and governmental practices. The Netherland’s GDP is $670.2 billion and growing. Its leading exporting industries are machinery and equipment, chemicals, fuels, and foodstuffs.
The franchising market of the Netherlands is well-developed, open and competitive. There are many experienced professionals (bankers, accountants, lawyers) among Netherlanders who can facilitate franchising companies and units in launching and developing their businesses. Franchise opportunities are vast, but the competition is strong as the franchising industry is developed.
Over 715 franchising companies with over 29,500 franchisees are present on the Dutch market. The most actively developing sectors include retail food, hotels, restaurants and business services, but franchising companies are present in almost every sector of the economy.
There are high investment business opportunities, as well as cheap franchises in the Netherlands presented for review, the choice is yours.

Felix de Wit
Official representative of Topfranchise in The Netherlands
Indicators of Business Market in the Netherlands
Capital: Amsterdam
Currency: Euro (€)
Education Index (2013): 0.894
Official languages: Dutch
Per capita GDP (PPP): $53,139
Quality-of-life index (0-10): 7.94
Population: 17.02 mln
Total GDP (PPP): $907.619 billion
Ease of Doing Business Ranking, Rank: 32
Gini: 28.2
Human Development Index (HDI): 0.924