Franchise Opportunities in Nepal
Popular franchise directions in Nepal
Cafe Franchises
Food Franchises
Consulting Franchises
Education Franchises
Entertainment Franchises
Сleaning Franchises
Travel Franchises
Attractiveness of Nepal for the development of franchise business
South Asian country Nepal has a population of 29,789,547 citizens with 20.0 % living in urban areas. Some of Nepali people live below the poverty line. Nepal`s economy heavily depends on agriculture. Industrial activity mainly involves the processing of agricultural products such as sugarcane, pulses, jute, tobacco and grain.
Tourism seriously contributes to the economy of the country; in 2013, the capital Kathmandu was ranked third among the top ten travel destinations in the world according to TripAdvisor.
Kathmandu with 1,442,271 people population and more than 1,001,930 tourists coming to the city each year create huge consumer demand and therefore, good opportunities for different businesses including franchising.
Although the franchise market in the country is quite small, it is rapidly growing. For the last years, the number of franchise companies in Nepal has grown at 25 percent. Mainly in such sub-sectors as Fast food, Coffee houses, Clothing, Sports Equipment and Hotels.
The franchise companies represented in Nepal are mostly domestic businesses; they take seventy percent of the market share; and thirty percent belong to foreign brands from the USA, India and other countries.
Nepal offers more than 300 different business formats from across a variety of industries to invest into, there are low-cost franchise concepts which require just US $2,000 to get started.
There are high investment business opportunities, as well as cheap franchises in Nepal presented for review, the choice is yours.
Indicators of Nepalese Business Market
Capital: Kathmandu
Currency: Nepalese rupee (NPR)
Education Index (2015): 0,475
Official languages: Nepali, Maithili, Bhojpuri, English
Per capita GDP (PPP): $2,842
Quality-of-life index (0-10): -
Population: 28,98 mln
Total GDP (PPP): $84 billion
Ease of Doing Business Ranking, Rank: 110
Gini: 32,8
Human Development Index (HDI): 0,574
Franchising news in Nepal