Be Number One in Franchise Industry of Your Country with Topfranchise!

TopFranchise is a leading company in the franchise marketplace in 12 countries. For five years we have been developing the franchise market covering an area with a population of 280 million people. Overall turnover of franchisees that have found their franchise at our marketplace is over 500 million USD.
Our people are our most important asset. Topfranchise founders have the experience of successfully developing their own franchise chains over a period of 12 years in 10 emerging market countries. Our major digital benefit is our unique catalogue with a high conversion rate and a team of experts that can generate traffic in any country.
The Topfranchise catalogue of franchise opportunities is the fastest growing internet marketplace in the franchising industry in terms of traffic and the number of new franchises.
We offer you an opportunity to become the owner of a successful business in the franchising industry under the TopFranchise brand name and earn money by creating and promoting franchises in your country and all over the world with the TopFranchise network of portals.
Vasil Gazizulin, Founder&CEO of TopFranchise Company
- Exclusive rights for the entire country
- Leading franchise web-catalogue in your country
- Abilities to sell franchises from your country worldwide
- Become part of an international team of franchising experts
- Opportunity to earn money from services to create and sell franchises
- Established sales funnel to develop the franchise
- Customer relationship technologies and standards
- Opportunity for business exit at any time at your convenience on fair terms

Due to our expertise in managing a large franchising network and increasing website traffic we have created an exciting and profitable business model with a 50% return on sales. We are successfully applying internet marketing, financial management and cost optimization skills by using outsourced teams all over the world.
In only three years we have become the number one company in Russia and 12 other former CIS countries!
We are building a global network of online franchise catalogues to connect to our network in your country and offer local franchisors to sell their franchises to any countries they are interested in. Other TopFranchise partners can, on their part, promote franchises of their customers in your countries.
WHO ARE OUR POTENTIAL PARTNERS? In the first place, they are the best experts in franchising, former and current CEOs of major franchising companies, true leaders who are ready to get actively engaged in selling services to create and sell franchises, not just advertise them on the website.
Victor Bolshakov, Founder&CEO of TopFranchise Company
TopFranchise history and development plan:
- 2004-2013 – accumulating experience
- 2013 – creation and launching of the project
- 2017 – TopFranchise is market leader in building and selling franchises in Russia and the CIS
- 2017 – launch of the international marketplace
- 2017 – first franchise sold to the Ukraine. Signing letters of intent for France, Spain and Portugal, Italy and Netherlands
- 2018 – presence in at least 5 countries
- 2018 – launching of an internal CRM system for managing relationship with customers
- 2019 - launching of a mobile application
- 2020 – presence in over 50 countries
- 2021 – over 100 partners in 100 countries of the world

Victor Bolshakov, Founder&CEO
tel.: +7 916 206 04 26
Vasil Gazizulin, Founder&CEO
tel.: +7 968 643 07 79
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