5 life hacks for selling your franchise in 2023

#1. Rule 2F. Family, Friends. Start with them. This is a God-given environment. Like the center of darts. But you are already in the center!
#2. Your employees. Colleagues. Everyone who works for you. Make a meeting for them next week. Give thanks. Tell them - you have a franchise now!
#3. Your clients own or already opened Franchise outlets. There are two types of marketing here. Pull - make retargeting based on the digital database of your customers. Push - mailing to the database of your customers. You have to do it carefully. But it works!
#4. The easiest action, but I bet you haven't done it yet - Hang a poster on the door of your point. Franchise Poster! It works!
#5. Write a press release about your Franchise. According to the formula
- ● About Me
- ● About company
- ● About the franchise
And send it to us! At Topfranchise. We will publish for sure!
These actions helped me sell over 500 franchises in 10 years. I know what I'm talking about. The main thing is to do it regularly!
These 5 easy steps will lead to Franchise sales in 2023!
Contact us to learn more about how to sell many franchises!
Happy New Year!

Vasil Gazizulin. Founder Topfranchise
of franchise