SFC: Is A Franchise Right For You?

Franchising is an often confusing word, it is ambiguous to many people and conjures up an image of an expensive option for many. Of course we have to use the word but our definition is relatively easy for most people to understand; our franchisees are our independent partners and together we want to grow and spread the name of Southern Fried Chicken.
A licensed SFC restaurant or fast food operation on a high street or in a food court is an independent business owned and operated by an individual or a group of like-minded people that uses our systems, image and know how to replicate our proven and successful operating stores all over the world.
Becoming a franchisee isn’t however buying a job or investing with a guaranteed return! Believe it or not some people actually think that putting a sign up and opening the doors is going to make them millionaires in a few short months… sadly no it takes hard work and commitment to build any business. The chances of success are dramatically increased however with a proven franchise system that almost gives the new owner everything they need to run an efficient business in the bible for any franchises, the Operations Manual. In fact to succeed in franchising you really need three key attributes, first the ability to absorb information and follow a system, second to be able to manage people and situations and third a hunger for success and the tenacity to achieve. These are all fine and in some cases overused words in franchise catalogues but they are all true and the question anyone should ask is whether they honestly ‘do’ possess the key attributes.
So to sum it all up, if you are willing to listen and have the tenacity to keep doing the things that you have to do every day and have natural leadership skills to inspire and motivate people that work for you then an SFC franchise is a real opportunity to flourish.

Written by
Vasil Gazizulin
Founder of Topfranchise.com
CEO Expedition 2009 - 2014
Author of a book «GROW WITH A FRANCHISE»
of franchise